I get back here with an update of the boxwood project already described in a previous article, (you can find it here: https://francescosantini.it/bosso-in-stile-doppio-tronco/ )
In 2017 the work had been up to this point:
In 2019 I decide to rearrange the foliage of this bonsai. In the last two years the vegetation has grown and thickened. The two canopies are sparsely spaced and so we decide to lower the canopy of the smaller tree in order to create a more defined spacing between the two trees. For this task we use a metal bar that acts as an anchor for a guy wire. Boxwood does not have elastic branches, so moving large branches is usually laborious and time-consuming. I always recommend working in stages, making small periodic moves, tightening the guy wire several times a year.
An interestingly remarkable aspect I recently realized is the pleasure of having my students (but above all my friends) work on my trees. I have always been jealous of my bonsai, but I must say that over time I have become more and more enthusiastic in sharing my work with friends and sometimes even entrusting it to them. This is the case of this work that I entrust to my dear friends Gimmi and Andrea. Just a few small indications on how I would like the operation to be carried out, then their work is done in total autonomy. I’m always there for any problems, but in this case I’m dedicating myself to another tree so that they have their space.
The final result.
Gimmi and Andrea at the end of the job
A year later, in May 2020, the foliage was further refined.
In particular, the branches at the back were lowered in order to increase the depth. In the background, a mass of vegetation can be seen between the two trees that was not there before.
At the same time, the lower left branch is brought closer to the trunk.
The rest of the work was done mainly with scissors, limiting the use of wire as much as possible.
Important: Never forget that young branches can only grow upwards.
The front:
Right side
Left side
Some details of the trunk and foliage
Group photo with Andrea and Iarisse
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