Here we are at the 6th edition of the BONSAI NIGHT!
Every year I am so happy to gather a small group of friends with whom to spend an entire night working on our bonsai.
The idea is inspired by several factors:
First of all the beauty of the night … cool and quiet … an atmosphere where I like to work on plants and be with friends. So I thought to combine the two things in a marathon night beginning at 9 pm up to 7 am …. BONSAI NIGHT indeed!
I am lucky enough to work with bonsai trees every day. This is my job! Every day I do my job with professionalism and commitment, but do not forget that bonsai is also my passion, my great love!
The BONSAI NIGHT represents for me the moment when I return as a simple amateur, surrounded by friends with the same passion.
At BONSAI NIGHT there are no professionals, instructors or students, just bonsai practitioners!
The night becomes the occasion to have fun, to play with plants and friends … in a silence broken only by our laughs.
I’m sorry I didn’t tell many people. Unfortunately, the workshop cannot accommodate more than ten people. Don’t blame me for those who didn’t hear about this night!
I’m not interested in describing the work on the plants because that’s not the occasion….nor even the goal of this evening.
If anything, I would like to emphasize the meticulous work of the friends, the easiness in doing it, the pleasure of getting one’s hands dirty, the deep concentration of manual work, the peace one feels in doing what one loves to do.
Thanks to Giacomo, Rossana, Daniela, Gimmi, Andrea, Luca, Fabrizio, Simona, Gionata and Aria!
It’s great to make bonsai in your company!
- Andrea
- Gimmi
- Giacomo
- Gionata
- Fabrizio
- Simona
- Daniela
- Aria!
- Prime fasi di lavorazione!
- Il laboratorio è pieno!!
- Un bel gruppo…..gente allegra il ciel l’aiuta!
- Si gioca con Aria…Impossibile stancarla!
- Rossana con il suo ginepro
- Gimmi e Luca su un cipresso
- Fabrizio e il suo cipresso!
- Rossana
- Fabrizio
- Luca
- Gimmi
- Giacomo
- Daniela
- Francesco
- C’e’ chi lavora sui bonsai e chi prepara la carbonara!
- La cedrata non può mancare!
- Si lavora concentrati…ma sempre con il sorriso!
- La carbonara alle 2 del mattino!
- Ore 2: Una bella tavolata
- Ore 2: Una bella tavolata
- Ore 2: Una bella tavolata
- Ore 2: Una bella tavolata
- Ore 2: Una bella tavolata
- Simona al lavoro
- Giacomo rimuove il filo al suo melograno
- Che coppia!
- Gionata
- Momento di coccole
- Aria resiste al sonno!
- Giacomo ha finito il suo lavoro…non resta che osservare gli altri!
- Ore 6: la concentrazione è ancora alta!
- C’e’ anche la voglia di fare due risate!
- Ormai è giorno!
- Ore 7 del mattino: i sopravvissuti
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